English- Year 1 & Year 3 Ignite-CEFR
- Go to点击下面的链接: https://ignite.sasbadionline.com
- Click activate and enter activation key (you can get the activation key from Google Classroom) 点击activate然后从谷歌课室中找出并输入激活码
- Create user ID and password.创建用户名与密码
- Fill in the required fields and click activate. 填写空位然后点击activate
- Log in with the user ID and password you have created.使用设置好的ID和密码登入网页内
Website 网页: https://ignite.sasbadionline.com/account/login
Reminder 提醒:
- This sharing is meant for education & learning purposes for the students from this school only. 此课件是方便本校学生善用学习。
- Kindly adhere to copyrights law in information sharing. 务必遵守版权法令,以免产生侵权现象。
Thank you 谢谢.